Saturday March 29th : the volunteers sixth working session
They 're here, they showed up, all hirty of them ready to work on the old Dak. So much fun to meet Sylvain, original member of the SNAFU Team who makes the trip as soon as he gets the chance from his native Champagne Region, bringing along some bottles ot that sparkling beverage of his own production (and the kind one must only moderately consum...). Also here with us our Norwegian friend, Finn, who teaches in Rennes and made the trip. We greet Benoit, half blind who came with a friend from the Orne area. And many more, so many of them I cant name them all, except maybe this yound couple from Franceville, or people from Honfleur, Langrune and elsewhere. And of course, the hard core, Patrick, Jean-Pierre, Jean, Michel and so on.... who wouldnt miss a working saturday for the world, and spend time during the week as well checking on the plane. Good times, companionship, and a great "Boeuf Bourguignon to warm up in the cool breeze, with plenty of work to achieve.
The centerwing is now finished and ready to be painted. Wings have been scrubbed on both sides, thanks to everyone joining forces. And now the assembly is about to begin.
Next working day for the volunteers set for saturday april 12th. On that day the shipyard will be open to any person interested.
And later on at 8.00 pm at the Merville-Franceville ballroom the Dakota party wil be held serving american food. Entrance fee is 20 Euros per person, all benefits going to the Snafu Special renovation fund. Reservations by calling the Merville battery at

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